Friday, July 8, 2011

everything that makes you wonder

i am superrrr into film right now, and i really want a darkroom of my own. a girl can hope. ive cleaned my room up, and i found a second instamatic, three rolls of new 110 film, a box of polaroid film, 4 rolls of unused 400 film, and 4 rolls of unused 200 film. also four rolls of used film, and 8 used disposable cameras. this is going to be fun(:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

looking into the future

im feeling quite nostalgic about harry potter.


this was my second real attempt at using my mom's film camera, and it definitely turned out better than i expected. i opened the back before i rewound the film, but most of the photos turned out ok, except for the above, but i think the red enhanced it. i also tried a few double exposures, but none of them turned out. that is why i am saving up for a holga: im thinking this fall.